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The Complete 8-Week Beginner Yoga Series To Increase Your Confidence Is For Everyone Ready To Start Or Return To Their Yoga Journey!

Have you been interested in trying yoga, but you are a little nervous about visiting your local studio? Or do you have previous yoga experience, but haven’t been on your mat in a while? If yassss…then this series is for you!



8 Beginners Yoga Classes

Look. Listen. Act. Book

Yoga for Beginners ebook

Week 1:

Alignment, Props and Breath w/movement

Week 2:

Flow, Sun Salutations to build core and upper body strength

Week 3:

Recap, Standing pose

Week 3:

Flow of Standing pose

Week 4:

Seated Poses, Breathing Techniques for energy and relaxation

Week 5:

Full Sequence with meditation

Week 6:

Beginners classe

Week 7:

Follow up class

Week 8:

Close out class


8 consecutive Tuesdays, starting January 5th 2021 from 6:30pm-7:30pm

Early Bird Registration until January 4th, 2021: $120

After January 4th, 2021: $140

Drop In’s available when space is available for $20/class


Payments should be sent through cash app to $baileybinspires 

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